2024 Leaderboard

London Golf Club 3


  Points Average
McGregor, Thomas 67 13.40
Doherty, Paul 62 15.50
Webster, Luke 61 12.20
Rhodes, Lee 57 14.25
Lamb, Ben 48 9.60
Gregory, Rickey 41 10.25
Miller, Danny 24 6.00
Bristow, Louis 18 9.00
Bristow, Andy 15 15.00
Smith, David 15 15.00
James, Gary 14 7.00
Knowles, Jake 12 6.00
Vaughan, Gareth 10 10.00
Chin, Andrew 8 4.00
Lovejoy, Ben 6 6.00
Webster, David 4 4.00
Cressey, Danny 4 4.00
Hattersley, Lee 1 1.00
Abbott, Phil 1 1.00
Watson, Chris 0 0.00
Clayden, Wade 0 0.00
Campbell, Jay 0 0.00

Note: Only a player's best 7 events of this season's will be included in the standings. Click on a player to see a breakdown of what performances are included & excluded.

Money List

  Prize (£)
Doherty, Paul 44.00
Gregory, Rickey 39.00
McGregor, Thomas 35.00
Webster, Luke 35.00
Bristow, Louis* 25.00
Rhodes, Lee 15.00
Lamb, Ben 15.00
Chin, Andrew* 10.00
Abbott, Phil* 10.00
Smith, David* 10.00
Miller, Danny 10.00
Hattersley, Lee* 10.00
Bristow, Andy* 10.00
James, Gary* 5.00
Webster, David* 0.00
Watson, Chris* 0.00
Knowles, Jake* 0.00
Lovejoy, Ben* 0.00
Cressey, Danny* 0.00
Vaughan, Gareth* 0.00
Campbell, Jay* 0.00
Clayden, Wade* 0.00

Note: A player must have played in at least 50% of this season's events to be eligible for the Money List prize money at the end of the season. Currently, a player needs to have played in at least 3 events (out of 5). Ineligible are marked with an asterisk (*).

There is currently no information for the "2024" season.

Last 3 appearances

Stableford Points
Smith, David 1 app 35.00
Vaughan, Gareth 1 app 33.00
Bristow, Louis 2 apps 32.00
Abbott, Phil 1 app 32.00
Cressey, Danny 1 app 32.00
James, Gary 2 apps 31.00
Doherty, Paul 3 apps 31.00
Knowles, Jake 2 apps 31.00
Rhodes, Lee 3 apps 30.67
Bristow, Andy 1 app 30.00
Gregory, Rickey 3 apps 29.67
Lovejoy, Ben 1 app 28.00
Webster, David 1 app 27.00
Watson, Chris 2 apps 27.00
Campbell, Jay 1 app 27.00
Webster, Luke 3 apps 27.00
Hattersley, Lee 1 app 26.00
Lamb, Ben 3 apps 26.00
McGregor, Thomas 3 apps 24.67
Miller, Danny 3 apps 24.67
Chin, Andrew 2 apps 24.00
Clayden, Wade 1 app 23.00
Average Finish
Doherty, Paul 3 apps 2nd
Bristow, Andy 1 app 3rd
Smith, David 1 app 3rd
Rhodes, Lee 3 apps 4th
Gregory, Rickey 3 apps 4th
Vaughan, Gareth 1 app 5th
McGregor, Thomas 3 apps 6th
Lamb, Ben 3 apps 6th
Bristow, Louis 2 apps 7th
James, Gary 2 apps 7th
Webster, Luke 3 apps 7th
Lovejoy, Ben 1 app 7th
Webster, David 1 app 8th
Knowles, Jake 2 apps 8th
Cressey, Danny 1 app 8th
Miller, Danny 3 apps 9th
Hattersley, Lee 1 app 10th
Abbott, Phil 1 app 10th
Chin, Andrew 2 apps 11th
Watson, Chris 2 apps 12th
Clayden, Wade 1 app 12th
Campbell, Jay 1 app 15th
Placing Points
  Pts Avg
Doherty, Paul 3 apps 58 19.33
Rhodes, Lee 3 apps 45 15.00
Gregory, Rickey 3 apps 41 13.67
Webster, Luke 3 apps 35 11.67
Lamb, Ben 3 apps 33 11.00
McGregor, Thomas 3 apps 24 8.00
Miller, Danny 3 apps 18 6.00
Bristow, Louis 2 apps 18 9.00
Bristow, Andy 1 app 15 15.00
Smith, David 1 app 15 15.00
James, Gary 2 apps 14 7.00
Knowles, Jake 2 apps 12 6.00
Vaughan, Gareth 1 app 10 10.00
Chin, Andrew 2 apps 8 4.00
Lovejoy, Ben 1 app 6 6.00
Webster, David 1 app 4 4.00
Cressey, Danny 1 app 4 4.00
Abbott, Phil 1 app 1 1.00
Hattersley, Lee 1 app 1 1.00
Clayden, Wade 1 app 0 0.00
Watson, Chris 2 apps 0 0.00
Campbell, Jay 1 app 0 0.00

Last 60 days

Stableford Points
Bristow, Louis 1 app 33.00
Doherty, Paul 2 apps 30.50
Bristow, Andy 1 app 30.00
James, Gary 1 app 30.00
Rhodes, Lee 1 app 29.00
Gregory, Rickey 1 app 29.00
Webster, Luke 2 apps 28.50
Lovejoy, Ben 1 app 28.00
Webster, David 1 app 27.00
Hattersley, Lee 1 app 26.00
Lamb, Ben 2 apps 26.00
Watson, Chris 1 app 25.00
McGregor, Thomas 2 apps 25.00
Clayden, Wade 1 app 23.00
Miller, Danny 2 apps 22.00
Chin, Andrew 1 app 16.00
Average Finish
Bristow, Louis 1 app 2nd
Doherty, Paul 2 apps 2nd
Bristow, Andy 1 app 3rd
James, Gary 1 app 4th
Rhodes, Lee 1 app 5th
Gregory, Rickey 1 app 6th
Lovejoy, Ben 1 app 7th
McGregor, Thomas 2 apps 7th
Webster, Luke 2 apps 8th
Lamb, Ben 2 apps 8th
Webster, David 1 app 8th
Miller, Danny 2 apps 10th
Hattersley, Lee 1 app 10th
Watson, Chris 1 app 11th
Clayden, Wade 1 app 12th
Chin, Andrew 1 app 16th
Placing Points
  Pts Avg
Doherty, Paul 2 apps 40 20.00
Webster, Luke 2 apps 25 12.50
Bristow, Louis 1 app 18 18.00
Lamb, Ben 2 apps 18 9.00
Bristow, Andy 1 app 15 15.00
McGregor, Thomas 2 apps 12 6.00
James, Gary 1 app 12 12.00
Miller, Danny 2 apps 12 6.00
Rhodes, Lee 1 app 10 10.00
Gregory, Rickey 1 app 8 8.00
Lovejoy, Ben 1 app 6 6.00
Webster, David 1 app 4 4.00
Hattersley, Lee 1 app 1 1.00
Watson, Chris 1 app 0 0.00
Chin, Andrew 1 app 0 0.00
Clayden, Wade 1 app 0 0.00

Fairways in Regulation

James, Gary (14 holes) 64.29%
Lamb, Ben (40 holes) 45.00%
Doherty, Paul (30 holes) 43.33%
McGregor, Thomas (68 holes) 39.71%
Miller, Danny (30 holes) 30.00%
Rhodes, Lee (54 holes) 29.63%
Webster, David (14 holes) 28.57%
Lovejoy, Ben (14 holes) 28.57%
Gregory, Rickey (44 holes) 25.00%
Chin, Andrew (14 holes) 21.43%
Cressey, Danny (10 holes) 20.00%
Knowles, Jake (16 holes) 18.75%
Watson, Chris (14 holes) 14.29%
Webster, Luke (44 holes) 9.09%

Greens in Regulation

Knowles, Jake (18 holes) 44.44%
Gregory, Rickey (72 holes) 34.72%
Webster, David (18 holes) 33.33%
Lovejoy, Ben (18 holes) 33.33%
James, Gary (18 holes) 27.78%
Rhodes, Lee (72 holes) 22.22%
Doherty, Paul (36 holes) 22.22%
Chin, Andrew (36 holes) 22.22%
Lamb, Ben (54 holes) 22.22%
Webster, Luke (72 holes) 18.06%
Miller, Danny (36 holes) 16.67%
Watson, Chris (36 holes) 13.89%
McGregor, Thomas (90 holes) 12.22%
Cressey, Danny (18 holes) 5.56%

Putts Per Hole

We are not currently tracking Putts Per Hole

Putts Per GIR

We are not currently tracking Putts Per GIR

Sand Saves

Knowles, Jake (3 holes) 33.33%
McGregor, Thomas (11 holes) 18.18%
Rhodes, Lee (4 holes) 0.00%
Watson, Chris (2 holes) 0.00%
Webster, Luke (3 holes) 0.00%
Doherty, Paul (2 holes) 0.00%
Gregory, Rickey (2 holes) 0.00%
Chin, Andrew (2 holes) 0.00%
Miller, Danny (1 hole) 0.00%


Doherty, Paul (28 holes) 28.57%
Knowles, Jake (10 holes) 20.00%
McGregor, Thomas (79 holes) 17.72%
James, Gary (13 holes) 15.38%
Gregory, Rickey (47 holes) 12.77%
Rhodes, Lee (56 holes) 12.50%
Cressey, Danny (17 holes) 11.76%
Webster, Luke (59 holes) 10.17%
Webster, David (12 holes) 8.33%
Lovejoy, Ben (12 holes) 8.33%
Watson, Chris (31 holes) 6.45%
Lamb, Ben (42 holes) 4.76%
Chin, Andrew (28 holes) 3.57%
Miller, Danny (30 holes) 3.33%

Nearest to Pin in Twos

McGregor, Thomas 1
Doherty, Paul 1
Chin, Andrew 1
Miller, Danny 1

Longest Drives

No-one has won a "Longest Drive" award yet

GIRs Per Round

Gregory, Rickey (4 rounds) 6.25
Webster, David (1 round) 6.00
Lovejoy, Ben (1 round) 6.00
Rhodes, Lee (4 rounds) 4.00
Knowles, Jake (2 rounds) 4.00
Chin, Andrew (2 rounds) 4.00
Webster, Luke (5 rounds) 2.60
Watson, Chris (2 rounds) 2.50
James, Gary (2 rounds) 2.50
Lamb, Ben (5 rounds) 2.40
McGregor, Thomas (5 rounds) 2.20
Doherty, Paul (4 rounds) 2.00
Miller, Danny (4 rounds) 1.50
Cressey, Danny (1 round) 1.00
Abbott, Phil (1 round) 0.00
Vaughan, Gareth (1 round) 0.00
Campbell, Jay (1 round) 0.00
Smith, David (1 round) 0.00
Bristow, Louis (2 rounds) 0.00
Hattersley, Lee (1 round) 0.00
Bristow, Andy (1 round) 0.00
Clayden, Wade (1 round) 0.00

Penalties Per Round

Chin, Andrew (1 round) 0.00
Miller, Danny (2 rounds) 0.00
Webster, David (1 round) 1.00
Watson, Chris (1 round) 1.00
Doherty, Paul (2 rounds) 1.50
Gregory, Rickey (3 rounds) 2.00
James, Gary (1 round) 2.00
Lovejoy, Ben (1 round) 2.00
Cressey, Danny (1 round) 2.00
Lamb, Ben (3 rounds) 2.00
Rhodes, Lee (4 rounds) 2.50
McGregor, Thomas (5 rounds) 3.40
Knowles, Jake (1 round) 4.00
Webster, Luke (3 rounds) 7.00

Putts Per Round

Watson, Chris (2 rounds) 29.00
McGregor, Thomas (5 rounds) 29.60
Doherty, Paul (2 rounds) 30.50
James, Gary (1 round) 31.00
Miller, Danny (2 rounds) 31.50
Chin, Andrew (2 rounds) 32.00
Rhodes, Lee (4 rounds) 32.50
Webster, David (1 round) 33.00
Cressey, Danny (1 round) 33.00
Lamb, Ben (3 rounds) 33.00
Webster, Luke (4 rounds) 33.25
Gregory, Rickey (4 rounds) 33.25
Knowles, Jake (1 round) 34.00
Lovejoy, Ben (1 round) 35.00

Blobs Per Round

Miller, Danny (4 rounds) 6.00
Clayden, Wade (1 round) 6.00
Hattersley, Lee (1 round) 5.00
Watson, Chris (2 rounds) 4.50
Webster, Luke (5 rounds) 4.00
Chin, Andrew (2 rounds) 4.00
Doherty, Paul (4 rounds) 3.75
Gregory, Rickey (4 rounds) 3.50
McGregor, Thomas (5 rounds) 3.00
Abbott, Phil (1 round) 3.00
Lovejoy, Ben (1 round) 3.00
Campbell, Jay (1 round) 3.00
Lamb, Ben (5 rounds) 3.00
Bristow, Andy (1 round) 3.00
Knowles, Jake (2 rounds) 2.50
Rhodes, Lee (4 rounds) 2.00
Webster, David (1 round) 2.00
Smith, David (1 round) 2.00
James, Gary (2 rounds) 1.00
Vaughan, Gareth (1 round) 1.00
Bristow, Louis (2 rounds) 0.50
Cressey, Danny (1 round) 0.00

Par 3 Average Strokes

We are not currently tracking Average Strokes

Par 4 Average Strokes

We are not currently tracking Average Strokes

Par 5 Average Strokes

We are not currently tracking Average Strokes

Par 3 Average Points

We are not currently tracking Average Points

Par 4 Average Points

We are not currently tracking Average Points

Par 5 Average Points

We are not currently tracking Average Points


  Award Prize (£)